Package wyvern.kernel.combat.shapes

Class Summary
Arachnid This Body type has all the body parts of a standard human.
Avian This body type is for birds: 2 legs, 2 wings, small tail.
Draconian Any dragon-like shape (4 legs, 2 wings, tail).
Humanoid This Body type has all the body parts of a standard human.
LizardMan A godzilla-like shape.
Marilith 6-armed humanoid with a tail instead of lower legs.
NagaCroc A crocodile without a bite (so you can add one in the archetype).
NagaDragon A dragon without a bite (so you can add one in the archetype).
NagaForm A naga in its un-shifted shape.
NagaHydra A dragon without a bite (so you can add one in the archetype).
NoParts This Body type has all the body parts of a standard human.
Piscine This Body type is for fishy types (e.g. sharks).
Quadruped This Body type has all the body parts of a standard human.
Reptilian This is an alligator-like shape.
Serpentine This Body type has all the body parts of a standard human.
Tiger The rakshasa shape.
WingedHuman This body type is for, e.g., Angels: humanoid with big wings.
WingedSerpent This Body type has all the body parts of a standard human.