
Class Summary
Arm An arm is a body-part that can hold a shield.
BasicAttack This body part is for attacking only; it doesn't have any slots and can't be severed.
BitingHead This body part is for wearing helmets.
Claw We'll arbitrarily say that claws can't wield weapons or wear armor.
ClawedHand Can wield a weapon or wear a shield, but not wear a glove.
CloakTorso This body part can wear only cloaks, no body armor.
Foot This body part can wear a boot.
Hand This body part can wear a glove and/or wield a weapon.
Head This body part is for wearing helmets.
Leg This body part exists for possible future use, but can't wear any extra armor.
LongTorso This torso type is used for quadrupeds.
Neck This body part can wear amulets.
Tail This body part can wear tail-armor.
Torso This body part can wear body armor.
Waist This body part can wear a girdle.
Wing This body part can wear wing-armor.
Wrist A Wrist is a body part that can hold bracers.