Package wyvern.lib.classes.weapons

Provides implementations for the standard weapon types.


Class Summary
Arrow Any missile fired from a bow.
Axe Axes: a bladed head mounted on a handled, used for chopping things.
Blade The Blade class includes all bladed weapons that are not Swords, including scimitars, katanas, machetes, knives, and so on.
Blowgun A projectile weapon that works by blowing missiles out of it.
BlowgunDart Any missile fired from a blowgun.
Bolt Any missile fired from a crossbow.
Bow The basic Bow type.
Claws Claws: special weapons that can only be wielded by Rakshasas.
Club A club: any blunt weapon used for smashing things.
Crossbow Crossbows: cranked bows that fire bolts with immense power.
Flail Flail: an iron ball, possibly spiked, connected to a wooden handle by a short chain.
Foil A fencing sword having a thing, flexible four-side blade and a circular guard.
Gun A projectile weapon that works by creating a small explosion.
Hammer A war hammer: a heavy, blunt metal head attached to a strong wooden handle.
HurledWeapon This is the superclass for weapons that are primarily intended to be used by throwing them.
Knife Knives include any short Blade that's used for stabbing (as opposed to swinging it.)
MeleeWeapon This is the superclass for weapons that are primarily intended to be used by holding them and bashing, slicing or poking things.
Missile This is the class used for arrows, darts, sling stones, and any other object that flies through the air.
Polearm This class is for non-spear-like polearms that are primarily used for melee (albeit at medium-range).
RangeWeapon This is the superclass for all projectile-weapons: guns, bows, slings, etc.
Sling A weapon consisting of a looped strap in which a stone is whirled and then let fly.
SlingStone Any missile fired from a sling.
Spear A weapon with a long shaft and a sharply pointed end.
Staff Staff: a stout stick used as a weapon.
Sword Swords are straight/symmetrical bladed weapons.
WeaponImpl Superclass for all weapons.
Whip A flexible thong or lash attached to a short handle.

Package wyvern.lib.classes.weapons Description

Provides implementations for the standard weapon types.