Package wyvern.lib.classes.armor

Contains implementations for the standard armor types.


Class Summary
Amulet The basic Amulet class.
ArmorImpl Superclass of all armor-derived thingies.
BodyArmor Platemail, chainmail, and other armor types that are strapped to the torso.
Boots Boots and other footgear.
Bracers An arm-and-wrist guard worn by archers and fencers.
Cloak A loose, flowing outer garment, such as a cape.
Girdle A belt or sash worn about the waist.
Gloves Gloves and other handgear.
Helmet The basic helmet class.
Ring A circular band of metal worn on the finger.
Shield A broad, rigid piece of armor strapped to the arm for protection.

Package wyvern.lib.classes.armor Description

Contains implementations for the standard armor types.