Interface Timed

All Known Implementing Classes:
AnimationParams, BallSpell, CombatFlash, ConeSpell, Confuser, FallingDown, FallingDown, Firespout, Firewall, FlyingBoulder, Gate, Generator, HeartbeatManager, InvisibilityRing, Lamp, Lava, NagaShift, Paralyzer, Platform, Poison, Projectile, Scarer, Sliding, Slower, SuspendableTimer, SystemMonitor, TimedSpell, TimeStop, Vault.VaultTimer, Water, WaterWalk, WizardEye, WordOfRecall, World

public interface Timed

Callback method when a Timer expires.

1.0, Sep 25, 1997
Steve Yegge

Method Summary
 void timerExpired()
          Called by TimerManager to notify object that timer has expired.

Method Detail


public void timerExpired()
Called by TimerManager to notify object that timer has expired.